101 WODs for Home

101 WODs for Home & Travel

Looking for WODs you can do outside the box when you are traveling or at home? This book features 101 WODs for Home & Travel ranging from workouts that do not require any equipment at all to more advanced WODs that require equipment you would find at most home or hotel gyms.

You can get in your WOD every day and anywhere, even when you can’t make it to the Box. This is a great resource particularly when traveling. This list of WODs is curated from boxes across the country.

CrossFit is a trademark of CrossFit, Inc. and has no association with this book.

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If you are into Crossfit this is one you should have in your inventory, 101 WODs for Home & Travel has lots of WOD for you to chose from timed or not timed. Also it has the different levels, so you can start off slow and work your way up to the advance level. You will not be disappointed

Having spent years fighting the gym I found this book refreshing. These work outs of the day really don’t require a lot of expensive equipment but they sure can give you a workout. I found Kate Cliffs book easy to use and to follow. If you are looking to get a good workout at home or Travel. I recommend you try 101 WODs for Home & Travel. I rate this a 4.5 star. I would have like about 30 more home workouts.

Perfect for any situation. Good for beginners, Great for pros, it’s straight to the point. Ultimate reference manual for fitness.

Information is clear and concise. It is nice to have workouts already designed and the user can modify as needed.

Great book for people in the cross fit world who already know the lingo. However if you are not a part of the scene, you may have to research some of the terms. Enjoy.

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