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Core Coaster – Ab, Core and Total Body Exercise System (2 Core Coasters)

Core Coaster Ab Exercise System

Core Coaster – Ab Total Body Exercise System (2 Core Coasters)


The Core Coaster™ is one of the most dynamic exercise devices ever invented. Incredibly versatile, users can tone and build nearly every muscle in their bodies with an amazing array of exercises from beginner all the way up to advanced levels. The Core Coaster is portable enough to throw a pair in your gym bag or suitcase but affordable enough that you can have a set for home and away.

Beginners can use the bands for assistance with the ab rollout and advanced users can use the bands for resistance with mountain climbers, crunches and fish tails. One hand, two hands and feet can be used on the Core Coaster. Dozens of exercises can be performed from the Glute Blaster to lunges to the Core Angel. Plank variation exercises are superior to crunches or sit-ups. The ab rollout is one of the most effective core exercises. Try it for yourself!

Reviews of Core Coaster Ab Exercise System For Total Body Workout

Core Coaster Ab Exercise System Review 1: Results!

Got the Core Coaster package of two a few weeks ago, and I’m already seeing results. This product is simple and effective. The day after I first used it, I had sore abs, triceps, and lower pecks. I had worked these muscles in a way they had not felt before.

I am beginning to see definition in my abdomen that was never there before and again it has only been a few weeks. The exercises are becoming easier now, so I will start trying some more advanced motions. Love doing flys with one coaster under each palm. The Core Coaster site has great video examples of all levels of exercises. Great deal, multi-functional product – I give this an A+.

Core Coaster Ab Exercise System Review 2: Great and effective product

I found the ab coasters to be very effective and a great purpose. They have really made everyday planks and mountain climbers more challenging and rewarding. My biggest concern prior to buying the ab coaster was that it would be made of cheap material or that it would leave marks on the floor.

After using this product, the materials are actually well put together and the coaster leaves no marks on the floor. The wheels are a hard rubber and the bottom of the coaster provides good grips for your fingers. I was given this product for a reduced price for my unbiased and honest review.

Core Coaster Ab Exercise System Review 3: The core coasters are fantastic! There are many ab rollers on the market

The core coasters are fantastic! There are many ab rollers on the market, but very few are as sturdy and versitile as this one. The core coasters truly offer a wide ranges of exercises that not only target the abs, but challenge the shoulders, chest and obliques….. And that is just the beginning.

I have been working out for years and have tried just about every product out there and this has really become my favorite. I would recommend it to the navice beginner or the more advance fitness guru!

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