Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 Workouts from Beginner to Ballistic

Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 Workouts from Beginner to Ballistic

Here is A Preview Of What the Cross Training WOD Bible contains:

A comprehensive list of the health benefits of Cross Training In depth terminology to help you understand the abbreviations and lingo used 555 Cross Training WODs (workouts) And Much More!

Here is A Preview of the 555 Workouts the Cross Training WOD Bible contains:

Beginner workouts ‘The Girls’ – benchmark workouts Heroes – benchmark workouts Bodyweight workouts Running based workouts Rowing based workouts Kettlebell workouts Olympic lifting workouts Strongman workouts Short ‘N’ heavy workouts Minute by minute workouts Bi-element workouts Tri-element workouts Four or more workouts Hybrid workouts AMRAP workouts Epic endurance challenges – designed to obliterate even the toughest endurance athletes There really is something for everybody in here!


Reviews of Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 Workouts from Beginner to Ballistic

Review 1: For anyone into serious hardcore fitness this is a book you should check out. Great exercise routines for fitness fanatics.

Even though I am now in my senior years with numerous medical issues I am still a fanatic when it comes to physical fitness. I have been researching the many physical fitness routines and programs lately and one of the very best I have read is Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 workouts from beginner to ballistic by Paige Selter.

I really loved this book even though there is not a single photograph showing the exercises in this entire 157 page book; nevertheless, it has fantastic routines for anyone desiring to achieve the ultimate in total fitness.

As anyone into exercising knows our body adjusts to any exercise routine when done for a certain period of time. With WOD (Workout of the day) you can overcome this natural tendency of your body because you can change your workout program just about every day.

This wonderful reference source begins with a brief introduction and the benefits of cross training. The basic terminology of the WOD system is covered before moving to the actual programs.

This text lists the following fitness routines: Beginner WODs, Benchmark-the girls, Benchmark-hero WODs, Body weight WODs, Running WODs, Rowing WODs, Kettlebell WODs, Olympic Lifting WODs, Strongman WODs, Short and Heavy WODs, Minute by minute WODs, Bi-Element WODs, Tri-Element WODs, Four or more WODs. Hybrid WODs, AMRAP WODs, and epic endurance challenges. I read this book in a short period of time, but I went back and checked off with a pen all the WOD routines I will be doing in this book (85) over time.

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If you are a workout fantastic you should check out this excellent guide and reference source. If you do not know how to do all the exercises mentioned in this book I suggest checking a WOD website where you can see the exercises being done.

Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Samurai Aerobics for fitness)

Review 2: A Great Collection Of Performance-Enhancing Workouts

The “Cross Training WOD Bible” is decidedly different from other workout and training books. It fits in perfectly with my training philosophy as it takes the focus off vanity and focuses entirely on performance.

As my schedule has changed I have much less time to work out. Fortunately the workouts only take between 15 to 20 minutes. The author also includes a large number of workouts that don’t require any fitness equipment. The combination of short workouts that don’t required fitness equipment is perfect for the busy person. I can easily grab a quick workout at home before heading to the office.

The author has included such a wide variety of workouts that you won’t become bored with the same routine day in and day out. The workouts range from beginner to advanced so there are workouts to suit every level of fitness.

As the “Cross Training WOD Bible” was exactly what I needed I can recommend it highly.

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Review 3: Simple and fun workout guide

Ok not everyone wants to be a body builder, but yet I would like to have some form of a tutorial to allow me to stay active at a moderate pace. I think the majority of folks are like me, and if you are not? Then more power to you!! Anyway, that is what I like about this book, the workouts are of a wide range of intensity. If you want to go all out, there are workouts in here for you, if you want just a little bit to make yourself feel good, that is also an option! Looking for a quick, easy and fun CrossFit guide? Look no further. Now get off the computer and start moving!!!
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