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Gravocore Revolutionary Training Machine | Build Muscle & Burn Fat

Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer Machine


Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer

Old Training Machines & Expensive At-Home Gym Equipment Are Now Obsolete!

Gravocore gives you maximum muscle stimulation and the most fluid, high-intensity exercise experience for a total body workout. This internationally patented machine comes with easy-to-perform workouts for rapid results.

Gravocore Was Specifically Designed To:


How Does Gravocore Succeed?


Gorgi used to be in great shape. After he had hip surgery, his body fell apart. The things he once loved to do were now impossible. He tried everything to regain his quality of life. Gorgi soon realized that he would have to create his own tool to effectively & quickly transform his body without aggravating his old injury.

Gorgi needed a tool that would allow him to build muscle & burn fat by facilitating both strength training and high-intensity aerobic exercise. All while providing core & back support, minimal joint impact, and fluid motion.


A Full Gym Virtually Anywhere.

  • An internationally patented training machine that provides all the benefits of a full-size gym in a seven pound product that can be used anywhere.
  • Under 7 lbs. Multiple easy mounting solutions. All the advantages of a full-size gym. One small carry-case. Perform your Gravocore workouts anywhere and anytime you like!

A Fitter You In Less Time.

  • A recent study at McMaster University found that as little as one minute of intense exercise can have the same benefits as forty five minutes of typical continuous exercise. The Gravocore facilitates this type of exercise with an unlimited possible number of fluid, high-intensity movements.

Achieve Your Fitness Goals!

  • Gorgi’s Gravocore system is for almost anyone with fitness goals. You’re now able to build and maintain a fantastic physique at your leisure. 
  • It allows you to dramatically and easily adjust the intensity of your workout from a hard core level of difficulty, to a level suited to a beginner.

Reviews of Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer

Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer Review 1: I was used to a larger hoist unit and loved that machine

I found the equipment first class. The first few times I tried it, I was surprised on how fluid the exercises were and degrees of muscle stress were under my control. I was used to a larger hoist unit and loved that machine, but had to move into a smaller space.

So far, with about ten sessions, using a single door to tie my unit to, I am thinking that this equipment might surpass my previous experience with respect to conditioning – the exercises use more muscles and they are each working with coordinated loading; meaning, when I squat, stretch my arms and lean back to set my strength levels, for example, no one muscle is being over or under worked. I will see how things are after a few months and write another comment.

Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer Review 2: Great improvement on proven trainer.

Received this as a Christmas gift. I have owned and used a traditional suspension trainer for 3 years. I watched the start video but feel it didn’t go into enough detail about all the adjustments available. There are two clips on the side of the belt that I have no idea if I need to adjust them or not. Also the lack of walk-through workouts is kind of a bummer.

I used some standard suspension workouts and with a bit of modification they worked. I don’t know if why but I was at muscle fatigue around 20 min in. I did notice the ability to move more freely. The ropes and the swivels on the pulleys make movements a bit less restrictive, compared to other suspension trainers.

I was skeptical if this would give me a good enough workout because pulleys by nature reduce effort of lifting weight. I believe the fact that the gravocore lets you move in a natural way it compares to free-weights instead of a TRX type trainer.

the belt makes for a nice cradle for your feet instead of having to use the loops on a suspension trainer. Down side is that there is no easy way to raise the cradle to increase height of your feet.

all in all the gravocore is going to be a great addition to my workout regiment. Retiring my traditional suspension trainer.

Gravocore Revolutionary Pulley Suspension Trainer Review 3: High quality and a great workout

I have just recently gotten this and the reason for the 3 stars is that I have some questions about adjusting the straps and wrote to Gravocore but nobody has answered me. I would very much like some information on how the straps work, especially the extra strap that you can presumably wrap around a tree.

Okay, I had questions and someone actually CALLED me and explained the straps to me. I also might add that the equipment is very sturdy and is well made. My gym membership runs out as of November and I’m now starting to use the Gravocore more and more so will be on a set regime soon. So far I love it, the ease of setting it up (it takes but a minute) and it’s light so you could take it with you if you travel a lot.

A great gym workout in your own home and at an affordable cost. And, it takes up NO ROOM unlike the machines you’d need to replicate this. I look forward to a leaner, meaner me.


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