Yoga for Beginners Boxed Set

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED AND PROGRESS WITH YOGA! YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Deluxe 3 DVD Set is the perfect way to explore and experience the numerous benefits of yoga. Each of these 40 routines focuses on different physical and mental aspects of yoga, such as building strength, improving flexibility, reducing stress and more!
Never before has a has a single collection of yoga DVDs contained so much valuable information to help you explore the healing, invigorating, joyful world of yoga. Be inspired and motivated with this amazing library that will grow with you for years to come.
* Over 40 routines for a wide range of needs
* Modifications of poses for less-flexible people
* Routines from 15 – 60 minutes
* Filmed at stunning Half-Moon Bay, Antigua
* Bonus footage of the Dalai Lama discussing Meditation
YOGA FOR BEGINNERS DELUXE SETcontains the following three DVDs:
Excessive stress in our daily lives is one of the greatest obstacles to achieving happiness, good health & well-being. For the first time ever, this DVD reveals how to approach numerous physical, mental and emotional stress related conditions through the ancient science of yoga.
The AM routines are customized to wake up both your mind & body in a balanced, energetic, yet serene way. The PM practices help you to let go of the mental and physical stress of the day and prepare for a deep, relaxing sleep.
These proven & effective routines will help anyone increase flexibility and strength while developing a calm, serene mind. Proper form is emphasized through these slower paced, flowing routines. Great for both the beginner and intermediate student.
Special Features
Discussion of Meditation by H.H. the Dalai Lama
Interview With Barbara
Beginning & Ending Your Day
- Begin Your Day Slowly (25 Minutes)
- Wake Up! (60 Minutes)
- Evening Revival (40 Minutes)
- Letting Go of the Day (40 Minutes)
- Insomnia Issues (35 Minutes)
Neck, Shoulder & Back Issues
- Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension (Passive, 20 Minutes)
- Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension (Active, Extended, 30 Minutes)
- Lower Back Tension (35 Minutes)
- Hip Pain (S.I. Joint) (35 Minutes)
- Tension Headaches (45 Minutes)
Easing Your Mind
- Breathing Exercises to Calm the Mind (15 Minutes)
- Restorative Poses for Relaxation (15 Minutes)
- Deep Rest (20 Minutes)
- Mood Uplift (30 Minutes)
- Serenity in Stillness (35 Minutes)
- Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension (Passive, 20 Minutes)
- Anxiety Relief (50 Minutes)
Stomach & Digestion Issues
- Constipation (25 Minutes)
- Improve Digestion (30 Minutes)
- IBS (30 Minutes)
- Diarrhea & Indigestion (30 Minutes)
Disc #2 — Yoga for Beginners
Discussion With H.H. the Dalai Lama
AM Routines
- Get Up and Go (15 Minutes)
- Sun Salutation Centering (15 Minutes)
- Breath Work (30 Minutes)
- Gentle Wake Up (35 Minutes)
- Extended Morning (45 Minutes)
- Wake Up the Spine (35 Minutes)
PM Routines
- Short Rest (10 Minutes)
- Breath Work (20 Minutes)
- Unwinding Muscle Tension (30 Minutes)
- Good Nights Sleep (25 Minutes)
- Energizing Evening (40 Minutes)
Disc #3 — Essential Yoga for Inflexible People
Short Routines: Learn the Basics
- Sun Salutation Warm-Up w/ Chair (6 Minutes)
- Sun Salutation Warm-Up w/o Chair (7 Minutes)
- Standing Poses w/Chair (25 Minutes)
- Standing Poses w/ Chair II (14 Minutes)
Short Routines: Continued
- Seated Poses (9 Minutes)
- Forward Bends w/ Chair (15 Minutes)
- Beginning Back Bends (8 Minutes)
- Yoga Twists w/ Chair (11 Minutes)
Extended Routines: As You Progress
- Extended Standing Poses (40 Minutes)
- Legs (40 Minutes)
- AM Wake Up (45 Minutes)
- Spinal Work in Three Dimensions (40 Minutes)
- Stubborn Hamstrings (65 Minutes)
- Full Routine (90 Minutes)
Reviews of Yoga for Beginners Boxed Set
Review 1: Great DVDs
This set of DVDs covers everything you need – if you are starting out and need extra work, to targeting issues to having workouts to wake up and go to sleep to.
I borrowed one of the DVDs for a couple of weeks from a friend who has been practicing a few years and who started out with the one to increase flexibility. (She also has the other DVDs and uses them all the time) This DVD is very good to get you started if you have not done yoga or are early in your yoga practice, really helped me get a basis with assistance and then move along.
Stress Relief is usuable by pretty much anyone with routines designed to help stress issues, digestion, hips, neck and so on. The relaxtion routines are easy to do and very effective. Though Stress relief has some routines for morning and evening, AM/PM has a wide variety of routines for the morning and evening.
I was able to mix and match as I worked through things and there is a ton of variety. Will be able to use this for a long, long time.
Review 2: Wonderful workout
First off I want to say I absolutely hate exercising, so I suppose that is why at age 47, I was so totally out of shape, couldn’t breathe, and hurt all the time. I knew I had to do something, and since I had never tried yoga before, I thought I would give it a shot. After reading tons of reviews, I settled on this 3 dvd collection.
What convinced me was the words “For inflexible people” – that was me, totally inflexible. The first day I barely made it through the 5 minute warm up, but I persevered, and now, after just 4 short weeks, I do a 50 minute workout, have lost 4 pounds and 2 inches off of my waist, I feel a lot more energetic (as opposed to the zero energy I had before), my back feels great!!!, my headaches are almost completely gone, and I have been getting the best sleep I have had in years.
I am a complete convert to yoga. The dvd “Yoga For Stress Relief” is my favorite because it lets you target real problem areas which for me is my lower back and hips. I am amazed at how much good these poses can do a person in such a short amount of time. I just wish I had started doing yoga years ago. Hope this helps you decide which you want to buy.
Review 3: Great buy! I really like these DVDs
Great buy! I really like these DVDs! Very easy to follow and I would recommend this to anybody is just starting yoga. I bought these to start doing it at home because I didn’t want to embarrass myself in classes since I had never done yoga before. Into weeks I was already in the class and I’m already moved up a level in my class. Without These DVDs I never would’ve just walked into a class so it really did help! Excellent deal on the package!