INSANITY Base Kit - DVD Workout Set

INSANITY Base Kit – DVD Workout Set


  • Complete set includes a nutrition guide, calender to track your progress, and 10 intense DVDs for a great workout
  • Your personal trainer Shaun T will push you past your limits with 10 workout DVDs packed with plyometric drills
  • Each workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your max
  • Perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest
  • Free online support tools help you stay motivated with round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support

Your personal trainer, Shaun T, will push you past your limits with 10 DVDs packed with cardio and plyometric drills with intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. No equipment or weights are needed, and you don’t have to be in extreme shape to do it. As long as you’re ready to dig deep, Shaun T will help you get insane results in just 60 days.

Ten Insane Workouts

  • Dig Deeper & Fit Test: To start, Shaun will put your body to the test and see what you’re made of. (30 minutes)
  • Plyometric Cardio Circuit: Burn fat with intervals of intense lower-body plyometrics and sweat-inducing cardio. (40 minutes)
  • Cardio Power & Resistance: Build lean muscle and upper-body definition with strength-training and power moves. (40 minutes)
  • Cardio Recovery & Max Recovery: Shaun goes easier on you once a week so you’ll be ready for the next round. (80 minutes)
  • Pure Cardio & Abs: Nonstop, extreme cardio workout. (40 minutes)
  • Cardio Abs: Do explosive intervals of cardio and core moves for rock-hard abs. (20 minutes)
  • Core Cardio & Balance: This workout lets you take a break after month 1 and gear up for month 2. (40 minutes)
  • Max Interval Circuit: With MAX Interval Training, this circuit is more intense than anything you’ve ever done before. (60 minutes)
  • Max Interval Plyo: Push your legs ‘til they beg for mercy with power and plyometrics, all at your MAX. (55 minutes)
  • Max Cardio Conditioning & Abs: Get pushed to your limit with this extreme cardio workout. (50 minutes)

Four Helpful Tools

  • Elite Nutrition Plan: A meal plan specifically designed to fuel your body for these intense workouts.
  • Fitness Guide: It’s short and to the point, with just the information you need.
  • Insanity Calendar: Allows you to track your progress through month 1 and month 2, set workout goals, and stay motivated the whole time. Plus, the Fit Test Tracker tracks your results as you transform your body.
  • Free Online Support Tools: Stay inspired with round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
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Reviews of INSANITY Base Kit – DVD Workout Set

Review 1: This definitely works, but you have to commit fully

Alright, here’s the deal I’d been a gym rat for awhile but at some point got pretty sick of it. Was recommended this program by a coworker who claimed that he dropped 20 pounds using this. Bought the DVDs and here’s my experience:

This definitely works. However you have to combine it with a good diet. You can’t still be eating candy bars and junk and doing this. Remember as cliche as it sounds you cannot outrun a bad diet. And doing Insanity you do not want to add any more weight as the program itself is pretty hard on your knees.

Using Insanity I dropped a solid 15 pounds. I could’ve dropped more if my diet had been better but I couldn’t give up the beer and burgers. Anywho the exercises are intense when you first start. And I mean intense in dry heaving for air and being sore all over after the first day. After a week or so you’ll find your body adapts and the exercises get manageable, never easier but manageable. Then month 2 comes and doing fit test and plyometric circuit will nearly kill you.

but I’ve found that combined with a decent (and it doesn’t even have to be a great diet) and sleep this will definitely melt the pounds away. None of the discs are are easy, even the two “rest” discs are pretty hardcore. The program is definitely recommended. I got such good results I went out and bought Max 30 right after which works just as well in less time. YOu’ll have to commit at least an hour a day to this, between teh stretching, the actual exercise and cool down every workout is around 45-an hour. And then theres the additional ab workout on some days that’ll push workouts to about 80 minutes.

In terms of difficulty I’ve found them in the following order
  1. Max Interval Circuit
  2. Max interval plyo
  3. Pure Cardio/Max Cardio
  4. Plyometric Cardio
  5. Cardio Power & Resistance
  6. Core Cardio and balance
  7. Fit Test
  8. Max Recovery
  9. Cardio Recovery
  10. Cardio Abs

Either way none of these are easy. I’d recommend a yoga mat. And keep in mind there’s A LOT of jumping and no tips on modifying but if you can’t do the jumps at first, knee lifts are a good alternative. And you’ll sweat gallons after the workout.

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Review 2: I was FAT, now i am slightly less FAT. It works

I am 31, 6’0 and was at least 300 lbs with high blood pressure (my scale only went up to 300). A couple of months ago on my birthday I finally got fed up on being fat my entire life. My wife and I decided to start eating better and working out.

Started up Insanity again, which I failed to get though more then a few weeks twice before, and Downloaded MyFitness Pal for my phone.

Tracking all my food for the first few days without changing my eating habits was a eye opener. I was eating over 3k calories a day and sometimes doubling or tripling the recommended amount of sugar and salt intake. This had to stop.

I knew what to expect with Insanity since I tried it twice before and failed. I knew what it took and how I would feel after the first few days but did not care. We started it on June 24th, as well as the diet.

I am not doing any type of strict diet, just making healthier choices and watching portion sizes. MyFitness Pal app has me at 1840 unadjusted calories a day. The only thing I cut out completely was sugary drinks and pop.

The first week was hell, I was hurting, tired, and starving. But guess what, the second week, I was hurting, but not tired or starving. The third week I had none of the ill effects, but started craving the workouts and looking forward to entering in what i am eating in the app.

I still have to modify some of the insanity workouts and still do half of the pushups on my knees, but each time I am getting faster and stronger.

I have 2 days left on Insanity and down to 279. Moved down two belt notches and can tuck in my shirt without feeling like a blimp. Much more visible muscle and feel great. I still have a cheat meal now and then, but make sure to go easy before and after.

We just bought Focus T25 workout and will start that next week. My goal is to reach 225 and get off high BP meds and gave myself a year to get there. So far I am enjoying the process and hope I stick too it.

Summary: I am Fat, tried and failed Insanity twice before due to no motivation. It can be done, it does work, I am slightly less fat now, it is hard, but it works, it hurts, but it works, no excuses, it works, slow it down, modify it for you limits, it works, eat better, it works.

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shorter summary: Eat better, Do insanity, lose weight, it works, even if you are fat like me (slightly less fat now)

Review 3: My New Favorite Workout

I come from a background of playing competitive athletics in high school and college. Nothing compares to those two and three-a-day practices, but I picked this program up to hoping to rid myself of the weight that I’ve added ever since learning about light beer. I give this program full credit for being the hardest workout on DVD (I also own P90x-, but that is a program centered on muscle development and much less intense).

Within one week of using this program, my resting heart rate fell from 64 to around 50. I can’t speak to the challenges of using this program if you are seriously overweight, but if you want a toned build and a quick way to lose pockets of fat – Insanity may be your best buy. This program is much better than its BeachBody brother P90x at helping to eliminate fat stores, but I must say that I would suggest P90x if your focus is on muscle growth and strength.

You can’t go wrong with this program below $140. The workouts are fast, engaging, and easy to fit into a regimen. Just buy it and pop the DVDs in.


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