WOD LOG BOOK: Track your daily progress on all your WODs and Olympic lifts
WOD LOG BOOK: Track your daily progress on all your WODs and Olympic lifts

The WOD Log Book is a spiral, calendar style workout log forAthletes designed to track WOD’s, strength PR’s, & goals to keep you on course to crush those goals!

Go Hard!

  • 52 Weeks of WOD Logging including weekly motivational quote & goal tracker
  • 48 of the most comon Hero & “The Girls” WODs with space to record date and time
  • 12 of the most common presses, squats, and lifts performed to track strength gains and new PR’s
  • Premium hard front and back cover
  • Tough spiral design with tabs to easily find WOD, Strenght, and Hero sections

What this book is not is: Is a how to book. It does not give instruction or tips on Olympic Lifts or Cross Fit exercises.

What this book is: It has some WOD’s (the Girls & Hero’s) with some tips or bullets on Paleo. However it’s primary purpose is to track your strength, PR’s and daily workouts. The log pages are easy to use and I like the fact you can view a weeks worth of logs at one time. Simple and effective tool.

Reviews of WOD LOG BOOK: Track your daily progress on all your WODs and Olympic lifts

Review 1: WOD-tastic!

CrossFitters are a unique bread and the typical exercise journals cannot possibly address our needs.

And if your coaches are anything like mine… you better have your Journal of Success ON HAND. Let me quote …”if you don’t keep a record of your past success, how do you know if you are improving?”

The WOD Log fits the bill and makes recording keep easy. The hero/named WODS are broken down, kinda scary and useful at the same time. You max reps oly lifting records are available in a quick reference area. It really helps to see your history, especially on those days when if feels like you are broken – then you realize you PR’d – that’s a great feeling!

Good log book, I recommend it!!

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Review 2: Wod Log

I thought that this was a great little buy. Three days on one page, four on the other so I can see my whole week at a glance. Not nearly enough room to write a WOD unless you write very small. Dividers and book divider very convenient. Has a place in the back to mark down PR’s complete with a detailed benchmark and hero wods. I’d def buy it again if I had $20 lying around but now I just a composition notebook because of the extra room.

Review 3: Great for tracking CrossFit Workouts

The WOD Log Book is great for tracking your P/S/S portion of your daily workouts as well as your daily WOD’s. The log is organized into sections and makes entering the information effortless. You can track your hero workouts like Nancy, Cindy, and the rest. Keep accurate records of your PR’s in all areas like Dead Lift, Squats, and Snatch.

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