Fat Gripz - The Ultimate Arm Builder, Blue

Fat Gripz – The Ultimate Arm Builder, Blue

  • BUILD ARM SIZE AND STRENGTH – Fat Gripz will help you build bigger, stronger arms
  • SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN – Fat Gripz work by wrapping around barbells, dumbbells, cable attachments and exercise machine handles and increasing their diameter. Science has shown that using a thicker diameter bar causes much greater muscle activation in the arms which leads to incredible muscle size and strength gains
  • TRAIN LIKE THE BEST – Fat Gripz are used by many: NFL players / champion bodybuilders / Special Forces soldiers / UFC fighters / CrossFit athletes / thousands of people around the world training for increased muscle size and strength
  • SPECIALIZED DESIGN AND MILITARY-SPEC MATERIAL – The result of years of refinement of design and materials, almost indestructible, Fat Gripz are made as tough as your most intense workout (beware of silicone copies that just can’t survive the gym). The beveled ends ensure that Fat Gripz will even fit even the angled E-Z bars in the gym
  • Watch The Video – Click on the video (in the photo slide show) to see Fat Gripz in action

You are Only as Strong as your Weakest Link

If your big bench-pressing muscles (pecs, delts, triceps) can handle 400 pounds but your hands and forearms can only handle 200 pounds, then your bench press is 200 pounds. The biggest weakness almost every lifter and athletes has is in their hands forearms. ..and the hands are your point of contact with the weights in virtually every exercise.

Fat Gripz strengthen this weak link because the thicker handles stimulate much more muscle activation in the hands, forearms, upper arms and whole upper body. More muscle activation means your body can unlock much bigger muscle and strength gains because your body can finally stop holding back.

Time-tested methods, New science

Thick-bar training has been around for decades (because it works). Many old-time strong men were stronger than today’s athletes and one reason for this may be the incredible effect of thick-bar work.

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The problem is that, due to the high cost of thick-handled barbells and dumbbells, only elite athletes have been using them in modern times.

Fat Gripz solve this problem. They give you the equivalent of a whole gym full of thick-handled barbells and thick-handled dumbbells for the cost of less than one tub of protein. And they will last a lifetime.

Reviews of Fat Gripz – The Ultimate Arm Builder, Blue

Review 1: The Truth about these grips… First hand….

I rarely write reviews. Just selfish I guess but I have to share since I have heard so much about these and have read some negative comments.

#1 The good: I buy a lot on Amazon, I shop for bargains everyday and I like quality over quantity. I always say, “skimp on price you will buy twice”. These are tough made, solid construction devices. you get your moneys worth and unless you have a dog with a strong jaw use them as a chew toy, they just may last upwards of ten years. They go on and off easily.

#2 The bad: On two of my bars there is a gap. On one it is barely noticeable on the other it is maybe 1/2 an inch. Here is the secret..ready…. move the darn grip! If you rotate it you can make it face out , in, up, down or against your hand, if you wear gloves this isn’t even an issue. So if you want to get these do not let those reviews scare you off. Common sense is available to all.

#3 The ugly: I just did bi’s and tri’s with these, I had to lower my weight and my forearms are so hurt I am typing veeerrrryyyy slowly. These surpass what I expected and if you are looking to fullfill your workout routine with huge arms and empower your forearms and grip to maximum results use these and when these get “old” get the Extremes. BUT do not think you can do the extremes NOW… these regular one will humble you.

As for the person who posted that these rotate around the bar, etc. If you are using these on a bar that is so thin it rotates around, do yourself a favor… return the bar to the elementary school you got it from and get an adult bar…I can not fathom in what world these will rotate around a bar for an adults gym.

If you are using these for pull ups and there is some rotating…THAT i can understand…squeeze real hard and make sure you do not let it move. This may stop your 12 reps and cut them down to a 8 rep set BUT when you finally work back up to 12 with the squeeze on the grips you will be able to do a lot more without them.

That’s my two cents and I would like some change back. Thanks and enjoy!

Review 2: Grip strength

I was considering buying a fat bar, but after coming across so many good reviews (and video reviews if you look for them) I decided to give Fat Gripz a try. I haven’t used a fat bar before, but I can imagine these are similar enough that you can use them for most of the same lifts. I’m not sure I’d try any olympic lift variations using them. (This concern may just be because my grip strength isn’t “quite there” yet.) I have used them for straight leg dead lifts and they stay on pretty comfortably. Additionally, I think they have an advantage vs a fat bar because you can apply them to ANY bar or dumbbell. Fat bars are pretty standard, not lots of variation. These can be slapped onto bars, dumbbells, cable attachments, pull up bars, special bars, etc.

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A couple things I was concerned about that I learned after ordering:
-They are VERY heavy duty rubber. I used them on a brand new texas power bar (DEEP knurling) and it did nothing to damage the rubber.
-They attach and detach simply, you need two hands to pull it open and it just clamps on the bar
-They retain their shape very well after removing from the bar (not stretched out)
-Each fat Grip itself is pretty heavy (not so heavy that I would say “I benched 302 pounds counting the fat gripz” but heavier than I expected,) which is good in my opinion.

The only thing I’m not crazy about is that when they are placed on an olympic bar there is ~1 cm gap on the opening side. I’m not sure how/if fat Gripz could fix that, and it really isn’t a huge problem. It just takes a little getting used to. I found the positioning of that gap is important and different for a push vs a pull. This is part of the reason I don’t think I’d olympic lift in them.

All in all I’m very happy with them and they certainly do humble your grip strength the first time you use them. I look forwards to regularly using them within workouts.

Review3: Game changer!!

These things are intense. A little pricey, which is why I held off for awhile before buying them, but well worth it. If you’re looking for a fantastic and simple (not to say easy) way to increase grip strength and forearm development, these are the ticket. I’ve only been using them for a week and already I’m feeling results.

Beware: if you use them on deadlift or rowing exercises, be prepared to be humbled. Quickly. I didn’t really see a big weight or volume reduction when using them on curls (some to be sure) but WOW, when I used them on deadlifts, I couldn’t get beyond my warm up weight for sets of six before my forearms were screaming. Even then, I had to reset my grip after every two reps at least. Looking forward to continuing to challenge myself and build Herculean forearms with these. 5 stars.


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