Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix – Essential Package

In 21 days, you can be beach-ready for a vacation. Look drop-dead great at your upcoming reunion. Or be well on your way-REALLY well on your way-to reaching a major weight-loss goal. And all you have to do is decide. Then let 21 Day Fix do the rest.
- Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days
- Easy-to-follow 21-day portion control system with 7 color-coded food containers
- 7 total 30-minute workouts on 2 DVDs
- Includes helpful resources such as the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan and 3 Day Quick Fix
From the Manufacturer
Compare 21 Day Fix Packages
7 30-minute workouts on 2 DVDs
7 color-coded portion-control containers and Shakeology shaker bottle
21 Day Fix Start Here Guide |
21 Day Fix Eating Plan
3 Day Quick Fix
2 bonus 30-minute workouts on 1 DVD
1 large 21 Day Fix container
Resistance Band*
21 Day Fix Insulated Tote Bag
What is 21 Day Fix?
21 Day Fix is a nutrition and fitness program that makes losing weight so simple, anyone can do it. Easy-to-follow portion control and 30-minute workouts take the guesswork out of losing weight to help you see results fast—up to 15 pounds in just 21 days†. Whether you want to lose a few pounds before your next vacation or jump-start a bigger weight-loss goal, 21 Day Fix is the program for you. It’s simple, it’s fast, and it works. If you’re ready to get serious, 21 Day Fix can help you lose the weight.
What’s in the Package?
6 workouts plus 1 bonus workout on 2 DVDs, 7 color-coded portion-control containers plus Shakeology shaker cup, 21 Day Fix Start Here, 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, and 3 Day Quick Fix.

Simple Fitness
Ready for a major calorie burn in only 30 minutes? We made these workouts short so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. But that’s no excuse for taking it easy. The workouts will challenge you at every level to maximize fat loss. And there’s always a modifier on screen to show you how to dial down the intensity without losing the benefits.
7 easy-to-follow workouts on 2 DVDs
- Total Body Cardio Fix. Keep your heart rate up and your metabolism revved high long after the workout is over.
- Upper Fix. Targeted resistance training helps shape your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs.
- Lower Fix. Firm and tone your entire lower body while you blast fat and burn calories.
- Pilates Fix. Strengthen your core, elongate your muscles, and firm your hips and thighs.
- Cardio Fix. Get your heart pumping and your body moving as you melt away the pounds.
- Yoga Fix. Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength as you help relax your muscles.
- BONUS: Dirty 30 workout. 4 rounds of fat-burning exercises help carve out a leaner, stronger physique.
Simple Eating
Forget about ounces, cups, and calories. When it comes to losing weight, simplicity equals success. These seven color-coded containers and Shakeology shaker cup deliver exactly the right portions every time, so you never eat too much or too little. Fill them up with as much food as you want—if it fits, you can eat it!
Your 21-day portion-control system
- Green—Vegetables
- Purple—Fruit
- Red—Protein
- Yellow—Carbohydrates
- Blue—Healthy Fats and Cheese
- 2 Orange—Seeds and Oils
- Shakeology Shaker Cup—Drinks
Helpful Resources
- 21 Day Fix Start Here: Start seeing results immediately! This quickstart guide and workout calendar shows you just how simple it is to achieve your weight-loss goals.
- BONUS: 21 Day Fix Eating Plan: This simple Eating Plan takes you step-by-step through the process and makes portion control so easy, you won’t even have to think about it. Enjoy delicious, healthy food without counting calories, and watch the pounds fall off.
- BONUS: 3 Day Quick Fix: Get beach-ready in 72 hours. This is Autumn’s secret weapon for losing weight fast before a competition or photo shoot. Do it during the last 3 days of 21 Day Fix for mind-blowing “after” pictures.
Frequently Asked Questions
What equipment is needed for 21 Day Fix?
Light resistance bands or dumbbells are needed for some workouts. Resistance bands/dumbbells are available separately.
*Resistance band contains latex.
†Results vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Results achieved with continued use of 21 Day Fix
Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning this or any exercise program and nutrition plan.
Reviews of Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix – Essential Package
Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix – Essential Package Review 1: If you’re on the fence, here’s my story!!
At first I was skeptical of the claims and thought it was just another exercise gimmick (remember the shake weight? OMG too funny!). Fifteen lbs in 3 weeks is just not possible unless you’re quite a bit overweight (there’s 52,500 calories in 15 lbs so be realistic!). I wanted to lose between 10 and 15 lbs but more importantly I wanted to get my fitness routine back on track. Over the years it has devolved into 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week on the elliptical machine (no weight lifting) and I pretty much ate anything I wanted.
When the package arrived I was a little surprised at how small the containers were (they look larger on TV) but trust me, it’s MORE than enough food. I began by reading all the documentation that came with the containers and reviewing the workouts so I would have an idea of what the routines entailed then I got busy organizing my eating plan. You have so many choices that planning a menu from them was easy. I set up a color coded spreadsheet with days of the week outlining the exercise and foods for the day.
I made the dressings, spice mixtures, and anything I could ahead of time then portioned and packaged it (snacks too) in microwavable containers. The only thing I left as cook to order was for the evenings where fish was on the menu. It was a quite a bit of work in the beginning but as the weeks progressed, it became much easier and nothing is better after a hard day than coming home to an already prepared HEALTHY yummy dinner! I even set up my spreadsheet so that it would crank out a shopping list from the items plugged into the menu.
I started on a Sunday, taking pics and measurements and I did the Yoga Fix just to get my body familiar with different sorts of movement again. I actually broke a sweat! Next day was Total Body Cardio Fix and it kicked my butt! I could barely get through the warm up without huffing and puffing but by the end of the first week, I had lost 2 lbs so I stuck with it.
By the third day the belly bloat was gone! I looked 10 lbs lighter and I felt like Superman!! By the fourth day, I was actually pushing food away! In the first few weeks, I stuck religiously to the containers, if it fits (and it’s on the list) you can eat it but let’s face it, one cup of greens does not a salad make so I “cheated” quite a bit with lettuce but not the goodies that go on top. I’ve never been a fan of oily, goopy salad dressings so all that was needed was one of the dressings from the plan or a sprinkle of vinegar or lemon juice. As the weeks progressed I got sick of salads so I would “cheat” once in a while with a big bowl of pasta or a scoop of ice cream, etc, but never ever cheated by skipping exercise. I was HOOKED!
As to the 3 Day Quick Fix, in a word, blech. Plus, it’s super inconvenient. I was having to run home every two hours to heat something up and it just didn’t work for me. I gave it a valiant try twice but couldn’t get through the three days either time, then I chucked it all together and ate foods from the “regular” menu and exercised once per day instead of the recommended two a days.
Now here I am, 10 weeks later, 16 lbs lighter and 18 inches smaller and I’m still going strong!! My “heavy” weights have become the “light” weights and I can actually do nose/chest to the ground on your toes pushups when before, I couldn’t do one, not ONE! It’s incredible how fast I progressed and Autumn’s friendly, non-drill sergeant style is a nice change from other “programs” I have followed. This one WORKS but you gotta put in the effort. There’s no shortcut or magic pill.
Now, the incessant advertising of other Beachbody programs and products between the workouts is annoying but you can fast forward through them. The warning in the beginning releasing them from liability if you’re an idiot and try to be Arnold in day takes about a minute so when it’s time to change discs, I just let it run while I grab my water, towel and weights cuz you can’t fast forward. Once that’s past, you’ll be right to the main menu and can pick your workout for the day but you’ll have to fast forward a vitamin commercial or that blasted Shakeology.
I didn’t do Shakeology either. I’m skeptical. It seems to me to be too MUCH of a good thing and I have a hard time believing that you get the full benefit as most of what’s in there, you’ll probably eliminate in the bathroom. Meaning, you’ll pee it down the drain as your body won’t be able to absorb or get benefit from the ingredients that quickly. Plus, its hella expensive and I have a protein powder I’ve been using for years as a meal replacement for about a third of the cost that tastes great and keeps me full for hours.
Another criticism would be that there’s no age or sex categories for the eating plan until you get to the maintenance stage but even then, it’s just separated by men and women as they have slightly different container allotments but still no differentiation for age.
Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend this program regardless of your age or fitness level. I’m female, 48 soon to be 49 and haven’t seen the inside of a gym in years. It works!! I have abs again and none of the old lady “bat wings” that were starting to develop. I look forward to my exercise EVERY day when in the past, I was more like, ugh, time to go to the gym. Its fun now! Buy it, live it, lose the weight and feel GREAT!!
Ever wonder what happens after the initial success that someone experiences with these programs? I do, so I thought I’d share mine in hopes that the peeps that said my review was helpful would get some benefit or encouragement to start or continue.
Its my 6 month anniversary today and I’m still hard at it but to be honest, I’m a bit bored with the routines (still waiting….patiently…for 21 Day Fix Extreme, c’mon Autumn!!, us “Fixers” need a bigger Fix! Haha.).
I never enjoyed the Total Body Cardio/Cardio Fix workouts. I dreaded them in fact. Squat thrusts? Ugh. Hated ’em in 6th grade, double hate them now! LOL. Also, I don’t care to hop around with weights which are part of those workouts. So, to combat boredom and still get some cardio I tweaked the program by substituting Shaun T’s Dance Party (FUN!! Not like work at all!!) for my cardio days and then I do upper/lower fix, Pilates and Dirty 30! Love Dirty 30!!
My favorite by far. I’ve also taken to giving myself a day off from exercise once per week. I regularly add more weight to keep it challenging and my initial dumbbells are a thing of the past!!. Don’t worry ladies, you won’t become a muscle head and get “buff” you’ll get sleek, sexy and toned! If pressed for time, I pop in the 10 minute fix for abs but never skip a day when exercise is planned cuz I don’t feel like it, I’m too tired, or whatever excuse I’ve used in the past.
My weight loss has leveled off now but I’ve actually lost more than I originally set out to do. More important than the scale, is the way I look and the way my clothes fit. Muffin top? Belly? Back fat? Bat wings?
Faaaggghhheetttaabowwwttt it! Haha. I’m FIT and SOLID with DEFINITION (booty included), not skinny and jiggly. If you’re still debating, I’ve had continued success even all these weeks later and I feel better than when I was 25..its completely doable! Its hard to imagine a day with my Fix and I hope anyone that takes it on, enjoys it as much as I have.
Its part of me now!! Just keep in mind, you can undo all that hard work in the kitchen. My containers are still my best friend, cuz its sooooo easy to over-portion…especially when there’s that last little bit in the yogurt tub or when there’s four or five pieces of fruit that won’t fit. If it doesn’t fit, save it for later or freeze things like extra fruit for smoothies.
Now…go get your fix on! You’ll love yourself for it!! Good luck!!
Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix – Essential Package Review 2: THIS WORKS!
I slimmed down and toned up with this product in literally 21 days. About to start my next round too! Best fitness program I have EVER used. Actually WORKS. I attached a before/after photo of my progress. LITERALLY 21 days….
Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix – Essential Package Review 3: Solid system for beginners and intermediate-level exercisers
One of my main passions and hobbies is working out at home, and I currently own upwards of about 300 workout DVDs. I’m not affiliated with Beachbody in any way, but I’ve bought many of their programs in the past since they tend to deliver great results for me.
I ordered the basic set (the Essential Package) for this new system the first day it was available to order, and I ended up doing the workouts for a little over a week before I ended up selling it. While the program is great, the workouts themselves were a bit too easy for me; if you’re a beginner or an intermediate-level exerciser, though, I would definitely recommend this program. Beginners will find that this set is a challenge you can grow with, and intermediate exercisers will find themselves also nicely challenged.
If you love circuit workouts (as I do), you will love the workouts themselves, but just be warned that they can start to feel a bit repetitious, as I’ll explain more below.
As mentioned above, I ordered the Essential Package, which comes with the following workouts:
* Upper Fix – one minute of an exercise, followed by 15 seconds of rest; two rounds that have five exercises in each round; you repeat the entire first round before moving into round two; Round 1: bent-over rows, transverse twist; push-ups, forearm plank; hammer curl to shoulder press; Round 2: lat pullover, circle crunches, chest presses, scissor twist, front lateral raise; this one really gets your heart rate up since it uses a lot of compound movements that use many of your muscles
* Lower Fix – four rounds with two exercises in each round + a bonus round; one minute of exercise followed by 15 seconds of rest; Round 1: side lunge to back lunge + squat knee raise; Round 2: curtsey lunge + calf raises; Round 3: split squats + sumo squats; Round 3: leg lift + quad raises; Bonus Round: fire hydrant leg press
* Total Body Cardio Fix – one-minute cardio intervals alternated with 20 seconds of rest; each round is repeated twice before you move on to the next round; Round 1: surrenders + side shuffles; Round 2: woodchops + X-country skiers; Round 3: weighted jog + weighted knee pull; Round 4: frog crunches + oblique crunches
* Cardio Fix — one-minute cardio intervals alternated with 20 seconds of rest; the focus is on bodyweight circuits and there are 4 rounds + a bonus round where you pair a set of cardio moves; Round 1: jacks + high knees; Round 2: skaters + mountain climbers; Round 3: reverse lunges + burpees (but at a nice slow pace); Round 4: side lateral lunges + oblique knee pulls; Bonus Round: up and down planks
* Yoga Fix — yoga workout
* Pilates Fix – this is meant to be an active recovery workout; it consists of one-minute sets of Pilates-inspired exercises, including an ab series, a plank series, a C-curve series, a booty series (which is very reminiscent of Windsor Pilates’ leg workout), a superman series, and another short plank series
* Dirty 30 — one-minute toning intervals alternated with 15 seconds of rest; each round is repeated twice before you move on to the next round; Round 1: alternating side lunge + renegade rows; Round 2: slow squat with upright rows + chest flye with leg raise; Round 3: squats with lateral raises + triceps kickbacks; Round 4: side/oblique bends + side planks with leg raises
* 10-Minute Fix for Abs — short workout focused on the core
* Plyo Fix – — bonus workout — six rounds of plyo moves
Since I ordered my set through the Beachbody site, I received the Plyo Fix workout as a free bonus. You also have the option of ordering a bonus DVD that has two workouts on it: Barre Legs and Flat Abs Fix. (I didn’t order this DVD, so I can’t speak to what the two workouts are like.) The rotation guide includes suggestions for how to use Barre Legs and Flat Abs, but not the Plyo Fix workout.
The included rotation has you working out seven days a week, and you do the same workout each Monday, Tuesday, etc. For instance, each Monday you do Total Body Cardio Fix, each Tuesday you do Upper Fix, etc. There is the option during week three to do two workouts a day (which they suggest you split up to maximize fat loss) if you’d like to tone up more quickly.
When Focus T25 came out, I know that many of us were disgruntled 1.) because the workouts were actually a bit longer than thirty minutes since that didn’t include the cool down times, and 2.) because one day a week you were supposed to do two workouts, bringing your total time to over an hour. I had been wondering if this new set would be the same way, but it isn’t. Each one really is about 32 minutes long, and that includes both a warm-up and a nice cool down and stretch.
The workouts also each have a countdown timers on the screen, which I personally love since it helps me know where I’m at in the workout and how much more is left to do.
Each of the workouts also really seems to target the legs, and I watched an interview with Autumn Calabrese online where she said she does that on purpose since leg-intensive workouts burn so many more calories and more fat than workouts that don’t target them quite so much. As an hourglass, I appreciated this focus on the lower half.
The workouts are also not “dancey,” so they definitely should appeal to both men and women.
Everything is also mirror-cued, which is fantastic since it makes following along so much easier.
The only downside is that because each of the workouts follows the same circuit format, they got a bit boring/repetitious to me pretty quickly. (I have the same problem with the JNL Fusion workouts, since they all use the same format, too.) I prefer circuits that mix things up more, where you’re not repeating each set so many times.
To do the workouts, you’ll need:
* A mat
* Various pairs of dumbbells
You can also use a resistance band or two if you don’t own weights.
I’ve been using my 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, and 10’s for all of the workouts.
As far as the intensity level goes, I think that these are useable for all levels. I consider myself an advanced exerciser (my favorite workouts include Shaun T’s offerings, anything from Cathe Freidrich, Sylwia Weisenberg’s Tonique workouts, and Fusion Fitness’ Dream Body DVDs), and while these aren’t quite as intense as those, they still pack a punch. In terms of comparing 21 Day Fix to other half-hour workout programs, I think it’s not quite as hard as JNL Fusion or Shaun T’s Focus T25, so I didn’t see noticeable results after two weeks of doing the program and following the eating plan.
Autumn leads each workout, and she does some of the exercises herself and also walks around and gives form pointers and encouragement to the background exercisers. (I mention this because I know that some people don’t like it when instructors like Jillian Michaels don’t actually do the workout themselves.)
In each workout, there is also a modifier so you can follow along with her. (I’m not familiar with her, but, from what I’ve read on a fitness forum, the main modifier Cat is in many Weight Watchers workout videos.)
There is also a nice variety of background exercisers who come in all shapes and sizes. It’s also not just targeted to women since there are men in each workout as well. Each exerciser is also mic’d up, and it’s fun to hear their comments.
Autumn herself gives great form pointers and is very encouraging and motivating.
The idea behind the containers is that you calculate your energy/food needs (based on your current weight), and then you’re allowed to each a certain number of container portions each day based on your caloric needs. For instance, I’m allotted three green containers each day, two purple, etc.
The containers represent the following types of food:
* Green — veggies — 1 cup
* Purple — fruit — 1 cup
* Red — protein — 3/4 cup — [NOTE: this used to include quinoa, beans, and lentils for vegans/vegetarians when I did the program, but it sounds like, as of September 2014, beans and lentils are now in the yellow category]
* Yellow — starches and carbs — 1/2 cup
* Blue — healthy fats and cheese — 1/3 cup
* 2 Orange — seeds and oils — 2 tablespoons per orange container
* Teaspoon – oils and nut butters; it doesn’t come with a teaspoon since you’re meant to use one you already own
* Blender/shaker bottle for protein shakes
For each container color, there is a corresponding page in the Eating Plan booklet that lets you know which foods belong to that group and how much of that serving size should fit in that container.
The Eating Plan booklet also comes with maybe 15 or so recipes.
Also, I had been worried about being able to use the containers/meal plan since I’m vegan, but they are definitely vegan- and vegetarian-friendly since you basically use your own foods to create your meals.
There’s really not much I don’t like about this set, except for the fact that the workouts weren’t quite challenging enough for my level.
The warm-ups are also a bit too similar in each workout, but that’s a minor annoyance.
The main annoyances are the usual Beachbody ads, which come at the start of each workout and the end. I have having to listen to these, so I skip over them, but they’re still annoying.
As mentioned in my title and at the start of my review, this is a good set if you’re at the right level. The food containers are also a nice way to manage your food and practice portion control.
If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section and I’ll do my best to answer them. ‘
EDITED ON 5-10-14: I added in the portion sizes to the information about the containers.