Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix EXTREME - Essential Package
Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix EXTREME – Essential Package


  • Based on the successful 21 Day Fix program, but with a clean eating nutrition plan and more extreme workouts
  • 7 extreme workouts on 2 DVDs
  • Includes color-coded portion control containers & Shakeology shaker cup with an easy-to-follow eating plan
  • Step by Step guide on how to use your containers
  • 21 Day workout calendar and recipes included

Need to get seriously shredded in the shortest time possible? See how simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts will help you get the hardbody you’ve always wanted. Extreme Fitness. Simple Eating. Serious Results. When you absolutely, positively need to get lean and defined in the shortest time possible…21 Day Fix EXTREME is the way to do it. Give it all the guts, intensity, and drive you’ve got for 21 days-and you WILL get that hardbody you’ve always wanted. The workouts are short, but they’re extreme. The eating plan is simple, but there’s no room for treats or cheating. It’s a serious 21 days. But stick with it, and you’ll walk away with serious results.

Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix EXTREME

EXTREME Fitness. Simple Eating. Serious Results.

When you absolutely, positively need to get lean and defined in the shortest time possible – 21 Day Fix EXTREME is the way to do it.

Give it all the guts, intensity, and drive you’ve got for 21 days—and you will get that hardbody you’ve always wanted.

The workouts are short, but they’re extreme. The eating plan is simple, but there’s no room for treats or cheating. It’s a serious 21 days. But stick with it, and you’ll walk away with serious results.

  • 7 Extreme Workouts on 2 DVDs
  • 7 Color-Coded Portion Control Containers plus a 25-oz Shakeology Shaker Cup
  • Start Here Guide
  • 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan
  • Countdown to Competition Meal Plan

Extreme Fitness: 7 Workouts on 2 DVDs

Autumn has seriously ramped up the calorie-scorching, muscle-carving intensity with these 30-minute extreme workouts.

1. Plyo Fix Extreme – An explosive lower-body workout that uses jumping and resistance to torch calories and sculpt muscles.

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2. Upper Fix Extreme – By alternating opposing muscle groups, this no-rest upper-body workout will help shred your chest, back, shoulders, and arms.

3. Pilates Fix Extreme – Using a resistance band for every exercise, this intense mat workout works the entire body, placing emphasis on the core.

4. Lower Fix Extreme – Glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves will get stronger, leaner, and more defined with challenging resistance work.

5. Cardio Fix Extreme – Combining weighted cardio moves with traditional metabolic training intervals keeps your heart rate soaring.

6. Yoga Fix Extreme – A fast-paced flow yoga class, combining strength, balance, flexibility, and power.

7. Dirty 30 Extreme Workout – Features seven compound moves that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

7 Portion Control Containers & 25-oz Shakeology Shaker Cup

Take all the guesswork out of what to eat and how much. These seven color-coded containers and Shakeology shaker cup deliver exactly the right portions every time. No more counting calories or guessing how much you can eat. These simple containers do the work for you.

Green = Veggies | Purple = Fruits | Yellow=Carbs | Blue=Healthy Fats | Orange=Seeds & Dressing | Shakeology Shaker Cup=Drinks

OK, I’ve been a “Fixer” for 6 months which I absolutely loved (you can see my review under 21 Day Fix – Essential Package) and when I got wind of Extreme, I couldn’t wait. Needless to say, I’m a HUGE fan of this program too! I’m just now starting the third round and have had even more results!

The eating plan is a little more restrictive in that there are no cheats, a few of the yellow buckets have been eliminated, and turkey bacon and olives are also gone but with the remaining choices, you won’t even miss the “no-no’s”! After the first round, I actually tailored it a bit further to optimize fat burning (for me) but I’m never hungry even with the additional tweaks. Also, because of past sports injuries, there are a few of the exercises I can’t do so I’ve had to tailor the workouts as well but my review is based on the first cycle where I followed the plan exactly.

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The workouts themselves are enjoyable and go by quickly but, I have a few criticisms. One, the cueing is off. When I hear “almost there” that’s my signal to double time it and get everything I can out of every rep but in this program, “almost there” can mean anywhere from 20 to 3 seconds which leaves me to always watching the clock rather than concentrating on form and making the muscle work. Also, the warmup and cool down periods aren’t very effective, practically non-existent, and if it matters, each workout is a little longer by about 3 minutes.

Another criticism would be that the background exercisers all look bionic and are extremely fit. People come in all different shapes and sizes at every fitness level so I think it could be a little discouraging to someone just starting or starting over because it takes a long time to look like that and it’s almost like they’re leading you to believe that you’ll look like them in 21 days. Um, not possible, sorry. I would have loved to have seen Kat, the modifier from the first Fix make the transition but nope, the modifier in Extreme looks like she could bench press a Buick. In other words, she’s fit as H*LL! Haha.

Lastly, Autumn keeps mentioning “the burn”. If you’re doing it right, you’re getting to the muscle so of course it burns but if you keep telling me it does, it makes it harder and I tend to get less out of my precious 30 minutes. However, even with all the things that I find bothersome, the workouts are solid and YOU WILL GET RESULTS if you put in the effort. Autumn’s friendly approach rather than the drill sergeant style really keeps it positive and encouraging even when you think you can’t possibly squeeze out another rep!

The best thing for me is that each workout hits many muscle groups and gets to the tiny connecting/supporting muscles (the ones you forgot you had). Even upper fix has some leg work in it which is great when you’re on a time budget like so many of us are.

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Of course there is the repeated advertising before and after each workout (annoying!) but you can skip them with the remote. The containers are still small but it’s more than enough food. Don’t let their size discourage you. I’ve never been hungry. Each workout also has modifications like before.

As far as I’m concerned, this is another hit and I would HIGHLY recommend this program to anyone that wants to take it to the next level. If you loved Fix you’ll love Fix Extreme!

However, if you’re just starting an exercise program, I’d stick with the first Fix because the eating plan goes tandem with the workouts and that can be a huge adjustment. Also, the exercises are challenging and if you’re like me, if it’s too hard, it isn’t enjoyable, I get frustrated and tend to quit. Keep in mind that it’s not a race but more of a lifestyle change because it’s never really over if you want to maintain your newly emerging body. Ya gotta keep at it! Hopefully, you’ll love it as much as I have and with each goal completed, you look forward to the next! Any questions, leave them in the comments. I’d be happy to help any way I can!! Happy fixing to all!! Good luck!!


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