Iron Core Kettlebell

Kettlebell expert Sarah Lurie is a former body-building competitor, and did traditional weight training for more than 10 years. After experiencing a debilitating injury during a workout, Lurie discovered that Kettlebell training helped her overcome her injury and get back into a comprehensive fitness routine. The Kettlebell workout is designed for people who are willing to push themselves at a high intensity. A Kettlebell workout usually takes around 45 minutes, but can take as little as 15 to 20 minutes. This unique program appeals to men and women of all ages, recreational athletes and professional athletes alike, because it combines an amazing strength training, muscle conditioning and cardio workout simultaneously.
Kettlebells the Iron Core Kettlebell Way 1:
Volume 1 teaches you foundation Kettlebell exercises, like the swing, clean, press, front squat, Windmill and more!
Kettlebells the Iron Core Kettlebell Way 2:
Volume 2 teaches you Kettlebell exercises like the snatch, clean and press, deck squat, Turkish get up and more!
Iron Core Kettlebell Warrior:
Get inspired to push yourself to another level of fitness with a 2-part routine system touted as one of the toughest Kettlebell workouts ever created.
Iron Core Kettlebell Boot Camp:
This Iron Core Kettlebell only workout will test your mettle as you sweat through 4 rounds of 5 exercises.
Reviews of Iron Core Kettlebell
Iron Core Kettlebell Review 1: Outstanding Series !
I actually thought this series was a mistake. Four DVD’s for less than $18 with free shipping ? I didn’t believe it but it’s true.
If these were poor DVD’s then any cost would be too much. In my opinion however, these are hands down the best kettlebell instructional series available. Most of these kind of exercise series have either a sports jock, or cheerleader-type person acting stupid or babbling on and on, usually with some kind of idiotic commentary. Sarah Lurie’s style is very clear, straightforward and without any hype or grade-school antics. She tells and shows you exactly how to do an exercise and demonstrates it. If you want a clear, solid and extremely well done kettlebell series, this is it. I shouldn’t say this, but if it were four times the cost it would still be more than worth it.
My only minor criticism is that the vol. 1 and vol. 2 discs are mislabeled: vol. 1 is actually vol. 2 and vice versa.
Iron Core Kettlebell Review 2: Great set for beginner and intermediate
Great price for 4 dvd set! Two dvd’s are instructional and a must do if you have never had instruction. Third dvd is the Iron Core Boot Camp , a challenging workout. 4 sets of one arm deadlift/balance combo , cleans, snatch-squat combo, lunges, and swings. 4 sets of swings at the end for abs. 4th dvd has two workouts- Iron Core Warrior I (one kettlebell) and II (2 kettlebells) ending with variations of Russian twists, even more challenging. We had the kettleworx set but sold it after getting these, prefer Sarah’s quiet style and the even flow of these dvd’s. Love that she is a strong woman doing real strength and not a skinny minnie jumping around with lighter kettlebells.
Followup (4 months later) : I have gone a bit nuts with other kettlebell DVD’s but keep returning to this set, especially the Bootcamp workout, as our favorite. The clustered sets (5 minute clusters with 1 minute rests, repeated 4 times) is a rhythm that i really like and hard to find elsewhere. Most other dvd’s offer more interval workouts- 30 seconds on 30 seconds off , for instance. Also, there are not very many double kb workouts out there so I use the Warrior 2 workout a lot also.
Note: I started with a 10 lb kb but am now using 25 lb KB (I weigh 125 lb) and burn about 10 cals per minute on my HRM for the bootcamp workout including the programmed rests and a short cooldown (done on my own). That’s about the same burn rate as running 6.5 miles per hour continuously for me. I use two 20 lb KB’s for the double workout and that is QUITE a heart pumper!
Just found out that Sarah was 3 months pregnant when she filmed the Warrior workouts. Yowsa. YOU GO GIRL!
Iron Core Kettlebell Review 3: Kettlebell Workout Review
Me: Busy father. Prior weightlifting experience. New to kettlebells. Have purchased 4 different DVDs from variety of instructors. My take on each is below.
Best: Sarah Lurie Iron Core Kettlebell
1) Disks one and two are good for novices (little or no experience with kettlebells). Sarah has excellent technique and is a good instructor.
2) Disks three and four provide several routines for beginning and intermediate users. Can grow with your fitness level by increasing weight of kettlebell.
3) Amazing value. You will not be disappointed.
Better: Jessica Huthmaker
1) Disk came free with a GoFit Kettlebell and provides a varied 25 minute strength and conditioning workout. Instructional portion of the DVD is average.
Good: Keith Weber Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout
1) 6 different workouts which range from 6-10 minutes long and can be combined into a superwork or (as I do them) pick and choose for 30 minutes total.
2) Not for beginners. Best for intermediate users. His “core workout” like his sunglasses is straight out of the 80s.
3) Nice variety and a good value.
Terrible: Kettlebody by Brook
1) She had clearly heard of kettlebells before making these DVDs.
2) Exercises are performed too quickly and with poor form.
3) All 3 DVDs suffer from Brooks personality. “More cardio, less lardio” is a her “motivational” phrase.
4) Enough said.