Lifeline Pull-up Revolution

- Lifeline
- Imported
- Adjustable pull up assistance system
- Assist in pull up efficiency
- Perform more reps-higher quality reps
- 100 lbs of adjusted power assistance
Lifeline Pull Up Revolution
Adjustable Pull Up Assistance System
Get ready to unleash the potential of your pull-up bar! Convert your equipment into a revolutionary full-body muscle sculpting machine. The Pull Up Revolution has a patented design that provides easily adjustable assistance. Assisting up to 100 pounds of your body weight, Lifeline”s Pull Up Revolution opens up an entirely new level of bar exercises, allowing you to sculpt and strengthen more muscles than ever before!
Our Pull Up Revolution will take you from any starting fitness level to above and beyond the bar. Improve arm, shoulders, and chest strength with assisted pull ups and chin ups. Build stabilizer muscles in abs and back with planks, push ups and knee ups. Make sure to advance your routine and grab your Pull Up Revolution today!
Lifeline Pull Up Revolution
Adjustable Pull Up Assistance System
Get ready to unleash the potential of your pull-up bar! Convert your equipment into a revolutionary full-body muscle sculpting machine. The Pull Up Revolution has a patented design that provides easily adjustable assistance. Assisting up to 100 pounds of your body weight, Lifeline”s Pull Up Revolution opens up an entirely new level of bar exercises, allowing you to sculpt and strengthen more muscles than ever before!
Our Pull Up Revolution will take you from any starting fitness level to above and beyond the bar. Improve arm, shoulders, and chest strength with assisted pull ups and chin ups. Build stabilizer muscles in abs and back with planks, push ups and knee ups. Make sure to advance your routine and grab your Pull Up Revolution today!
Lifeline Pull Up Revolution Features
Patented 3-in-1 cable pocket
Flexibility add or subtract cables to vary assistance with (3) 16 inches resistance cables (R6 resistance level).
Bar Attachment Hook
Hook attaches easily to pull up bar, integrated buckle allows fast strap adjustment.
Durable, non-slip foot stirrup
Our Pull Up Revolution intensifies your body weight training and allows you to have more mobility with your fitness routine, giving you the ability to workout nearly anywhere.
Progressive Layering Technology
Cables are dipped, not extruded, the dipped coating applied to each cable adds another layer of safety and product quality.
Reviews of Lifeline Pull-up Revolution
Review 1: with my super weak untrained female muscles
I bought a door pullup bar, and have been struggling to figure out how in the world I, with my super weak untrained female muscles, could ever use it. I’d managed to get to the point of hanging off of it, but I couldn’t manage even an inch in lifting myself.
I wasn’t getting any stronger just hanging there, and even the eccentric exercises were too hard for me to do properly. Losing more weight would surely help me, but you can only go so far– based on the help I’m getting from this, I don’t think even my lowest healthy weight would have helped me enough to get a single pullup done.
With the Lifeline, I can get to the top of the bar– and I can feel my muscles working (but not completely failing in the first second of the first rep), so I think that I can start making some progress now.
Review 2: Lifeline Pull-up Revolution
This was exactly what I was looking for! Quick and easy assembly, the bands can be removed or swapped out, and it snaps easily onto any standard sized bar (I use it on a removable door frame bar).
I’m 5’3″ and 115lbs with limited upper body strength. Currently, I can manage 5-7 consecutive pull-ups and with the center-band removed about 1-2 pull-ups. I’ve had this band for about a week and a half and I’m definitely getting stronger; the movement is becoming easier for me to complete.
I’m really looking forward to completing my first unassisted pull-up and I think that this will be a good tool to help get me there. Keeping myself challenged by working towards higher reps and will eventually work my way down on the resistance bands. Very happy with this purchase and highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their level of fitness.
Review 3: Just what I needed to build upper body strength.
Provides an assist to allow me to gain upper body strength. I bought this because I was so discouraged that I could no longer do even one pull-up! After using this for a short time, I am now able to do ONE proper pull-up – unassisted. With the assist, I can do seven to ten. Super simple to install and adjust. I also appreciate the push-up assist.
Although I was/am able to do push-ups, I am not able to do very many due to my wrists. This, with the band, allows me to do more push-ups with less pain. I did search and find the heavier (blue) bands, in case I needed more of an assist, but the red ones work fine for me. I am fairly small at 5’4, 140#